2025 race!

With the race season behind us, it’s nice to look back on the good and the bad. RA has seen to a ton of growth and change in the last 12 months, we absorbed a bunch of new friends into the fold and have enjoyed watching them cohesively fit into our raid force. We also lost a few members to retirement, so we wish them well in whatever they get into next!

As for the race, T1 was meh, the events are pretty simple, as befits T1 raids. The coolest part is listening to our color callers on the Simon Says raid enunciate like their grade 1 teacher taught them when saying red, green, yellow and blue to avoid all possibility of confusion.

T2 was a bit more exciting, we had not spent a ton of time on the T2 raids in Beta, so we knew there was a chance that things might go sideways and well, they did, we wiped to Hazuri, its the first wipe RA had experienced on a race day in as long as anyone can remember. We ended up 4th on T2 and it really lit a fire under our feet for T3.

T3 presented interesting choices. The first two raids were pretty normal tank and spank, hit some emotes and win sort of events. In fact, the open raiding team on Bristlebane one shotted both of them! But the High Priest raid was the whole race, its a tough event with many moving parts. We identified in Beta there were two ways to attack it…the risk it for the biscuit and kite all the adds approach or the take is slow and steady and guarantee a victory strategy. We toyed with the kiting in Beta, but, ultimately, and probably influenced by our 4th place finish in T2, decided on the safe strategy of deal with the mechanics as they come, kill the adds and be guaranteed 3rd place.

The team was happy with our execution on T3 and are already getting excited about farm and 2025 Beta in October. Speaking of farm, we are always looking for folks to fill out the ranks, we have a high need for bards, enchanters, paladins, shamans, zerkers and shadowknights and as always, if you are really good at your class, even if the class is closed, please slide into our DMs, we would love to talk to you.

Best folks to reach out to are bristle.Meckwell or bristle.Robnie.